Most common form of gum disease leading bleand tenderness of gums.
It is the earlist stage of gum disease that causes inflammation of gums.Most common cause of gingivitis is poor oral hygiene.when burshing flossing and rinsing doesn't occurs regularly ,then bacteria develops in the leftover food and forms a thick film or layer known as PLAQUE , wich can over the time lead to yellowing of teeth,bleeding gums ,swelling etc. One can easily manage gingivits with the help pf dentist,But left untreated might lead to PERIODONTITIS( more severetype of gum disease leading to bone loss in jaw/mouth).
**Inflammation of gums **: The gums might become pale red in color due to inflammation.
**Gum tenderness that may be painful: **Gums may become tender to touch and can be very painful.
Bleeding of gums while brushing: Gums may bleed easily while bushing.
Bad breath or halitosis : Kind of smell or odour can be felt while talking or opening the mouth.
Swelling of gums : Gums may become puffy due to gingivitis.
Accumulation of plaque : The most common cause of gingivitis is accumulation of bacterial plaque between and around the teeth.
Vitamin deficiencies : Vitamin c deficiency (scurvy) is highly associateed with gingivitis.
Drugs : certain drugs reduce saliva production ,leading to poor oral hygiene and bacterial accumulation.
Medical conditions : Medical coditions like cancer,diabetes etc have risk of gingivits.
Hormonal changes : Menopause, mentrual cycle , pregnancy etc can lead to gingivitis. Pregnant women are more likely to occur gingivitis.
Smoking : Smokers easily develop gingivits as compared to non- smokers.
Age : Risk of gingivitis increases with age.
Family history : Childrenwhose parentshave or had gingivitis have a higher risk of developing gingivitis.